Cloverleaf Blanket Answer

Cloverleaf Blanket Answer


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Blanket answer is a unique formula which’s seeks to succeed where many commercial bacteria cultures will fail.

Blanket answer is safe for all pond fish, plants and biological filtration systems.

Use 10 grams per 125 ltr (28 gal) the enclosed scoop can be used 1 x scoop = approx 400 Ltr (90 gal) can be increased as required with no adverse effect.

Blanket answer is added to the pond by mixing with pond water in a watering can and pouring evenly over the pond surface. The water initially take on a white mucky appearance, but this war clear within a few days.

For best results use above 10 deg water temp.


As with all good pond additives the pond should have a good level of oxygen saturation, especially if you have sturgeon of Orf.e.

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